About us

Our motivation

since 2018

Healthy skin and healthy environment


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For us, the focus was on the realization that a rethink is urgently needed!
The realization that we must do something so that the raw materials used in cosmetic products do not involve the exploitation of people and the pollution of the environment or slash and burn and the extermination of wildlife.
For us it is clear that good products should not be confused with good marketing and packaging madness.

The high quality content counts! What we have produced for years from our own needs for ourselves and our children, we make available to all like-minded people out of conviction.

Our motivation for founding PhytoVero was the search for care products that are allowed to permeate our bodies and keep our waters healthy. All PhytoVero products are free from polluting substances and care for sensitive skin.
We have developed formulations in which every ingredient is thoroughly sustainable and compatible.

“We implement our philosophy in every development, and our knowledge flows into every large-scale production of sustainable cosmetic products. In this way, we make healthy personal care products accessible to more and more people and contribute a little bit to more sustainability every day.”

Dr. Bernhard Keller

CEO / CSO / CO-Founder

Dr. Bernhard Keller

Since my dissertation at the University of Bern in the field of bioorganic chemistry, I have been working on material science topics as well as the microbiological stability of emulsions. In the process, I developed and patented a silver-based biocide substitute.

I have always been of the opinion that classic, commercial preservatives such as parabens and isothiazolinones have no place in cosmetics because of their increased allergy potential and/or endocrine disrupting* properties.

From my own needs, I developed the need to use only healthy and sustainable body care products for myself and my family. To do this, I intensively studied the ingredients in conventional cosmetic products and worked out new formulations, since I could not accept many of the conventional components in my products.

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With the knowledge of how to design a real alternative to conventional, unhealthy products, my drive to make our products accessible to open-minded people grew. This was the moment for me to found PhytoVero.

For five years we have been producing our gentle cosmetics line, which is so skin-friendly that the use of our products not only allows allergy sufferers to breathe a sigh of relief.

We have rapidly developed and professionalized our know-how and infrastructure. We produce for our major customers according to our strong, sustainable philosophy and, if requested, according to the NATRUE guidelines or the basic requirements of Bioinspecta.

In addition to the production of our in-house cosmetic line PhytoVero, we also offer private label and contract manufacturing services, allowing us to bring our principles to market for the benefit of many.

Our customers appreciate the transparency and honesty of our products. By acting responsibly, we have gained their trust and the certainty that we can make a difference. This was my goal.

*: endocrine disruptors

“Parabens, isothiazolinones, aluminum salts, kerosenes, microplastics and similar substances have no place in personal care products. I cannot understand how it is possible to allow the use of these substances in cosmetics at all according to the Cosmetics Ordinance.”

Dr. Bernhard Keller

CEO / COO / CO-Founder

Jürg Wipf

After reading the book ‘THE CHINA STUDY’ by T. Colin Campbell, I was inspired to look more deeply into this subject. Even while intensively studying numerous publications on nutrition, vitamins, minerals, I switched to a completely plant-based diet.
The next step was inevitable: after buying my skincare products, I started researching the individual ingredients found in them. Some of this information was so frightening that I immediately disposed of products I had already used.
The question arose as to which products I can still use at all.

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During the search for such products, conversations have arisen in this regard in my environment. In the process, I found out that my long-time friend Bernhard Keller has also already dealt intensively with this topic. As a chemist, he started making individual cosmetic products for himself and his family many years ago. After realizing that we are very concerned about this issue, we unsuccessfully searched the market for cosmetic products without questionable ingredients. At the same time, we worked on our existing in-house productions and distributed them to family and friends. The feedback was consistently positive and the demand was overwhelming.

We decided to create the company PhytoVero. Right from the start, the leitmotif for our products was clear: If something is not safe to eat, it does not belong on your skin !

“When PhytoVero was founded, the guiding principle for our products was clear:
If something is not safe to eat, it doesn’t belong on your skin!”

Jürg Wipf

Communication / Marketing / Customer Care

Isabelle Corti


Hygiene / Packaging

Regina Gurtner



Packaging – Group